ID | Name | Count |
air | Air | 10628 |
awningRampSheet | Awning Ramp Sheet | 4 |
awningRampSheetEdgeLeft | Awning Ramp S Edge Left | 4 |
awningRampSheetEdgeRight | Awning Ramp S Edge Right | 4 |
barracksChair | Barracks Chair | 7 |
bedroll | Bedroll | 1 |
burningBarrel | Burning Barrel (POI) | 1 |
campfire | Campfire | 1 |
cntBackpack03 | Moldy Backpack | 1 |
cntCoolerRandomLootHelper | = Cooler = Random Helper | 1 |
cntShippingCrateConstructionSupplies | = Construction Shipping Crate = Random Helper | 1 |
cntShippingCrateLabEquipment | Pop-N-Pills Sealed Shipping Crate | 1 |
cntShippingCrateShamway | Shamway Sealed Shipping Crate | 2 |
cntTrashPile02 | Pile of Garbage | 2 |
cntTrashPile03 | Mound of Garbage | 1 |
cntTrashPile07 | Garbage Pile | 2 |
cntWeaponsBagSmall | Weapons Bag | 1 |
commercialBlindsBottom | Commercial Blinds Bottom | 3 |
corrugatedMetalPillar0.025 | Corr. Metal Pillar 2.5cm | 3 |
garbage_decor1 | Garbage decor1 | 6 |
garbage_decor2 | Garbage decor2 | 5 |
lanternDecorLight | Lantern (POI) | 1 |
questRallyMarker | Rally Marker | 1 |
sleeperBack | Sleeper Back | 2 |
sleeperIdle | Sleeper Idle | 4 |
sleeperSideLeft | Sleeper Left Side | 1 |
sleeperSideRight | Sleeper Right Side | 1 |
sleeperSit | Sleeper Sitting | 2 |
sleeperStomach | Sleeper Stomach | 2 |
terrGravel | Gravel | 723 |
terrOreLead | Lead Ore | 35 |
terrOrePotassiumNitrate | Potassium Nitrate | 2 |
terrStone | Stone | 17707 |
terrainFiller | Topsoil Terrain Filler (POI) | 955 |
treeOakSml01 | Tree Oak Small 01 | 1 |
wallTorchLight | Wall Torch (POI) | 1 |
woodFenceFarmSheet | Wood Farm Fence | 4 |
woodFenceFarmSheetBroken2 | Wood Farm Fence Broken 2 | 1 |
woodLogPillar100 | Wood Log | 3 |
woodPole | Wood Pole | 9 |