ID | Name | Count |
air | Air | 5274 |
awningGable | Awning Gable | 8 |
awningPyramid | Awning Pyramid | 1 |
awningRampSheet | Awning Ramp Sheet | 44 |
awningRampSheetCNRInside | Awning Ramp S Inside corner | 12 |
awningRampSheetEdgeLeft | Awning Ramp S Edge Left | 4 |
awningRampSheetEdgeRight | Awning Ramp S Edge Right | 4 |
awningSheet | Awning Sheet | 110 |
barracksChair | Barracks Chair | 2 |
bed01 | An Old Bed | 2 |
chairCouchSofa01 | Sofa Chair 01 | 1 |
cntBagsRandomLootHelper | = Bag / Backpack = Random Helper | 4 |
cntCharcoalGrillRandomLootHelper | = Charcoal Grill = Random Helper | 1 |
cntChemistryStationBustedRandomLootHelper | = Chemistry Station = Random Helper | 1 |
cntCoolerRandomLootHelper | = Cooler = Random Helper | 1 |
cntFoodPileMedium | Food Pile, Medium | 1 |
cntLockersTallRandomLootHelper | = Lockers Tall = Random Helper | 2 |
cntMedicalPileLarge | Large Medical Pile | 1 |
cntStoreCratesRandomLootHelper | = Store Crate = Random Helper | 1 |
cntTrashPile02 | Pile of Garbage | 1 |
cntTrashPile03 | Mound of Garbage | 1 |
cntTrash_can01 | Trash Can | 1 |
corrugatedMetalPillar0.025 | Corr. Metal Pillar 2.5cm | 4 |
corrugatedMetalPillar0.025SCTR | Corr. Metal Pillar 2.5cm SCtr | 6 |
corrugatedMetalPillar0.05 | Corr. Metal Pillar 5cm | 8 |
corrugatedMetalPillar0.05CTR | Corr. Metal Pillar 5cm Centered | 5 |
corrugatedMetalPillar0.05SCTR | Corr. Metal Pillar 5cm SCtr | 12 |
emberPileLightPOI2 | Ember Pile 2 Light (POI) | 1 |
fakeCabinetDoorTrap1x2Sheet | Fake Cabinet Door 1x2 | 3 |
garbage_decor1 | Garbage decor1 | 3 |
garbage_decor2 | Garbage decor2 | 3 |
lanternDecorLight | Lantern (POI) | 1 |
modularFireWoodStackA | Firewood Stack A | 3 |
modularFireWoodStackB | Firewood Stack B | 8 |
palletBlueTarpTile | Pallet, Blue Tarp, Tile | 5 |
palletBrownBoxesLoose | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Loose | 1 |
palletBrownBoxesTile | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Tile | 7 |
palletBrownBoxesTop | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Top | 3 |
palletWhiteBagsTile | Pallet, White Bags, Tile | 2 |
plantedCorn3Harvest | Corn Plant 3 (POI) | 12 |
questRallyMarker | Rally Marker | 1 |
sandbagCorner01Short | Sandbags Corner Short | 4 |
sandbagEnd00 | Sandbags End 1 | 1 |
sandbagEnd01 | Sandbags End 2 | 2 |
sandbagEnd02 | Sandbags End 3 | 2 |
sandbagStraight01 | Sandbags Straight | 7 |
sleeperIdle | Sleeper Idle | 3 |
sleeperVultureAnimal | Sleeper Vulture (zombie) | 17 |
tableDynamic | Dynamic Table | 2 |
terrDirt | Dirt | 152 |
terrainFiller | Topsoil Terrain Filler (POI) | 470 |
treePlainsTree2 | Tree Plains Tree 2 | 1 |
woodFenceFarmSheet | Wood Farm Fence | 7 |
woodFenceFarmSheetBroken1 | Wood Farm Fence Broken 1 | 4 |
woodFenceFarmSheetBroken2 | Wood Farm Fence Broken 2 | 3 |
woodPillar50 | Wood Pillar 50 | 1 |
woodPole | Wood Pole | 5 |
woodPoleSCTR | Wood Pole SCTR | 2 |
woodTable | Wood Table | 2 |