ID | Name | Count |
air | Air | 55238 |
airConditioner | Air Conditioner | 1 |
bedrollArmyGreenPOI | Bedroll Army Green (POI) | 1 |
bedrollPOI | Bedroll (POI) | 1 |
brickShapes:arch | - | 7 |
brickShapes:arch2 | - | 1 |
brickShapes:brickDestroyed01 | - | 6 |
brickShapes:brickDestroyed02 | - | 5 |
brickShapes:brickDestroyed03 | - | 3 |
brickShapes:brickHalfDestroyed05 | - | 4 |
brickShapes:cube | - | 344 |
brickShapes:cubeHalf | - | 309 |
brickShapes:cubeHalfPlateCorner | - | 2 |
brickShapes:cubeHeatVent | - | 3 |
brickShapes:cubeQuarter | - | 6 |
brickShapes:cubeTrimDestroyed03 | - | 6 |
brickShapes:cubeTrimDiagonalHalfFiller2 | - | 5 |
brickShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCircle | - | 1 |
bricksStack | Brick Stack | 1 |
bunkBedRandomHelper | = Bunk Bed = Random Helper | 4 |
burningBarrel | Burning Barrel (POI) | 1 |
calendar2034 | 2034 Calendar | 1 |
carWrecksRandomHelper | = Car Wrecks = Random Helper | 1 |
ceilingFanLight | Ceiling Fan Light (POI) | 3 |
ceilingLight02Brass | Brass Dome Light (POI) | 1 |
ceilingLight04 | Warehouse Ceiling Light (POI) | 4 |
chainlinkFenceBottomRailPoleLeft | Chain Link Bottom Rail Pole Left | 5 |
chainlinkFenceBottomRailPoleRight | Chain Link Bottom Rail Pole Right | 5 |
chainlinkFenceDoor | Chain Link Door | 2 |
chainlinkFenceMiddleRail | Chain Link Middle Rail | 4 |
chainlinkFenceTopPlainRail | Chain Link Top Plain Rail | 4 |
chainlinkFenceTopRail | Chain Link Top Rail | 4 |
chainlinkFenceTopRailPoleLeft | Chain Link Top Rail Pole Left | 5 |
chainlinkFenceTopRailPoleRight | Chain Link Top Rail Pole Right | 5 |
chairWood01 | Wooden Chair | 3 |
churchBellHanging | Church Bell Hanging 2x2x2 | 1 |
cinderBlocks01 | Cinder Blocks 1 | 3 |
cinderBlocks03 | Cinder Blocks 3 | 4 |
cntAmbulanceTruck01 | Ambulance | 1 |
cntAmmoPileMedium | Ammo Pile, Medium | 1 |
cntAmmoPileSmall | Ammo Pile, Small | 1 |
cntArmoireDoorsBlack | Black Armoire Doors | 1 |
cntArmoireDrawerBlackRandomLootHelper | = Black Armoire Drawer = Random Helper | 1 |
cntArmoireSideShortBlack | Black Armoire Side Short | 2 |
cntArmoireTopBackBlack | Black Armoire Top Back | 1 |
cntBagsRandomLootHelper | = Bag / Backpack = Random Helper | 1 |
cntBarrelGenericSingle00 | Rusty Barrel | 2 |
cntBarrelGenericSingle45 | Rusty Barrel | 2 |
cntBarrelPlasticSingle00 | Water Barrel | 1 |
cntBarrelPlasticSingle45 | Water Barrel | 1 |
cntBathTubEmpty | Empty Bathtub | 1 |
cntBinTrashMetalWhiteRandomLootHelper | = Metal Trash Bin = Random Helper | 1 |
cntBirdnestCorner | Bird Nest | 2 |
cntBookcaseCornerPoorRandomLootHelper | = Corner Bookcase Poor = Random Helper | 1 |
cntBookPile02 | Pile of Books | 1 |
cntBookPile03AirRandomLootHelper | = Book Pile 03 vs Air = Random Helper | 1 |
cntCabinetBottomRandomLootHelper | = Cabinet = Random Helper | 1 |
cntClothesPileFloor01 | Clothes Pile | 1 |
cntClothesShelfHalfEmpty | Clothes Shelf Half, Empty | 1 |
cntCoffeeMaker | Coffee Maker | 1 |
cntCollapsedCampfire | Destroyed Campfire | 1 |
cntCoolerRandomLootHelper | = Cooler = Random Helper | 1 |
cntCounterHollowCabinetRandomLootHelper | = Counter Hollow Cabinet = Random Helper | 1 |
cntDeskWoodRandomLootHelper | = Wood Desk = Random Helper | 1 |
cntDryerRandomLootHelper | = Dryer = Random Helper | 1 |
cntDumpster | Dumpster | 1 |
cntFancyGarbageCan | Fancy Garbage Can | 2 |
cntFileCabinetShortGreenRandomLootHelper | = File Cabinet Short = Random Helper | 1 |
cntFireTruck01RandomHelper | = Fire Truck = Random Helper | 1 |
cntFoodPileSmall | Food Pile, Small | 1 |
cntFootlockerWhiteRandomLootHelper | = Footlocker White = Random Helper | 1 |
cntGunRackSmallEmpty01 | Gun Rack Small Empty 01 | 1 |
cntLockersTallRandomLootHelper | = Lockers Tall = Random Helper | 2 |
cntLootChestHeroInsecureT2 | Leather Trunk | 1 |
cntMedicineCabinetClosedRandomLootHelper | = Medicine Cabinet = Random Helper | 1 |
cntMedicLootPileB | Medical Supplies | 1 |
cntMicrowaveRandomLootHelper | = Microwave = Random Helper | 1 |
cntPickupTruck01RandomHelper | = Pickup Truck = Random Helper | 1 |
cntPoliceCar01 | Police Car | 1 |
cntQuestInfestedT2LootHelper | = Infested T2 = Random Helper | 1 |
cntQuestRandomLootHelper | = Quest Loot = Random Helper | 3 |
cntRetroFridgeRandomLootHelper | = Retro Fridge = Random Helper | 1 |
cntRollingToolBoxRandomLootHelperRed | = Red Rolling Toolbox = Random Helper | 1 |
cntShoesPileRandomLootHelper | = Shoes Pile = Random Helper | 1 |
cntSportsBag02RandomLootHelper | = Weathered Sports Bag = Random Helper | 2 |
cntStoreShelfSingleTopShoesEmpty | Store Shelf Single Top Shoes Empty | 1 |
cntStoveRandomLootHelper | = Stove = Random Helper | 1 |
cntToaster | Toaster | 1 |
cntToilet01 | Toilet | 1 |
cntToolBoxOffsetRandomLootHelperRed | = Red Toolbox Offset = Random Helper | 1 |
cntTrashPile01 | Trash Pile | 1 |
cntTrashPile03 | Mound of Garbage | 3 |
cntTrashPile07 | Garbage Pile | 3 |
cntUtilityStoreCratesRandomLootHelper | = Utility Store Crate = Random Helper | 2 |
cntWasherRandomLootHelper | = Washing Machine = Random Helper | 1 |
cntWaterCoolerBottleSideCentered | Water Cooler Bottle | 1 |
cntWaterCoolerFullSideCentered | Water Cooler | 1 |
cntWeaponsBagSmall | Weapons Bag | 1 |
commercialDistributionBox | Commercial Distribution Box | 1 |
commercialDoorV1Grey | Grey Commercial Door V1 | 1 |
commercialSingleMeter | Commercial Single Meter | 1 |
commercialSingleMeterDisconnect | Commercial Single Meter Disconnect | 1 |
concreteHalfDestroyed05Left | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 05 Left | 4 |
concreteHalfDestroyed05Right | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 05 Right | 3 |
concreteHalfDestroyed06 | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 06 | 2 |
concreteHalfDestroyed07Left | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 07 Left | 4 |
concreteHalfDestroyed07Right | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 07 Right | 5 |
concreteHalfDestroyed08 | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 08 | 3 |
concreteShapes:balusterRail01 | - | 8 |
concreteShapes:billboardQuarter | - | 10 |
concreteShapes:cube | - | 619 |
concreteShapes:cubeDrainStraight | - | 10 |
concreteShapes:cubeEighth | - | 2 |
concreteShapes:cubeQuarter | - | 99 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimCornerRound | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimDestroyed01 | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimDestroyed05 | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimHalfSplit | - | 138 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimHalfSplit4Sided | - | 24 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCornerInside | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCornerOutside | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterEdge | - | 182 |
concreteShapes:doorTrimCorner | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:plateHalfInclineOffset | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:plateSidewalkBroke04 | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:roadPaintDashCNTR | - | 42 |
concreteShapes:windowTrimBottom | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:windowTrimTopMiddle | - | 12 |
conduit01 | Conduit Triple Straight | 20 |
conduit01Corner | Conduit Triple Corner | 1 |
conduit01Curve | Conduit Triple 90° | 1 |
conduit01End | Conduit Triple Straight End | 1 |
conduitSingleOffset | Conduit Single Offset | 1 |
controlPanelTop06Grey | Control Panel Top 06 Grey | 1 |
controlPanelTop07Grey | Control Panel Top 07 Grey | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:3mTunnelCenter | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:3mTunnelCorner | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:billboard | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:billboardQuarter | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2 | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnly | - | 12 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyCornerEndLeft | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyCornerEndRight | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyDiagonal | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyEndLeft | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyEndRight | - | 6 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlySingleDoubleEnd | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkWedgeMetal | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeHalfBottomPole1mTop | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeTrimQuarterSquare | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrim1m | - | 50 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrimCorner | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrimHalfThreeSidedLeft | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrimHalfThreeSidedRight | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrimTwoSided | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:halfLengthPillar50 | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:ladderRound | - | 16 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:pillar0.025 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:pillar0.025Centered | - | 5 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:pillar0.05Centered | - | 16 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plate | - | 42 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plateBracketCentered | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plateDiagonalFiller | - | 18 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plateHalf | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:platePoleCorner | - | 6 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plateTrimSplitInside | - | 12 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:polePlate | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:rampInclineFiller | - | 16 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:securityGatePlate | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_d | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_f | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_n | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:stairsSpiralMetalRight | - | 6 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:stairsSpiralPillar | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:stairsSpiralPillarRailingRight | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:table | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:verticalBlindsTopRailOnly | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowPanel | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowTrim | - | 2 |
curtainDrapesRightHalfBottomBrown | Brown Drapes, Right Half Bottom | 1 |
curtainDrapesRightHalfTileBrown | Brown Drapes, Right Half Tile | 2 |
decoCarSeatFlipped | Car Seat Flipped | 1 |
decoCarTireFlat02 | Car Tire Flat 02 | 1 |
decoCarTireStack | Car Tire Stack | 1 |
decoClassicDogHouse | Dog House | 1 |
decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMouse | Monitor / Keyboard / Mouse 01 | 2 |
decoLaptop | Laptop Open | 1 |
decoMetalBollard | Metal Bollard | 4 |
decoWineBottleCorner | Wine Bottle Corner | 1 |
deskLampLight | Desk Lamp 01 | 1 |
deskLampLight02Black | Black Desk Lamp 02 | 1 |
diningTable01 | Dining Table | 1 |
exteriorHouseDoorOldOak | Oak Exterior House Door Old | 2 |
fakeCabinetDoorTrap1x2Sheet | Fake Cabinet Door 1x2 | 3 |
fireHydrant | Fire Hydrant Red | 1 |
flagPoleAmerican | American Flagpole | 1 |
flashlightDecorYellow | Yellow Flashlight (POI) | 2 |
garbage_decor1 | Garbage Decor 01 | 6 |
garbage_decor2 | Garbage Decor 02 | 9 |
garbage_decor3 | Garbage Decor 03 | 6 |
glassBroken_02 | Broken Glass 02 | 3 |
glassBrokenCapLeft | Broken Glass Cap Left | 1 |
glassBrokenCapRight | Broken Glass Cap Right | 1 |
goreBlockHumanCorpse1 | Decaying Human Corpse 1 | 1 |
goreBlockHumanCorpse2 | Decaying Human Corpse 2 | 1 |
goreBlockHumanCorpse3 | Decaying Human Corpse 3 | 1 |
heatVentIndustrial | Heat Vent Industrial, Plate | 1 |
hiddenSafePictureFrame_01f | Picture F (Hidden Safe) | 1 |
hoodRangeWhite | White Range Hood | 1 |
industrialLight01 | Industrial Light 01 (POI) | 2 |
infestedSleeperIdle | Infested Sleeper Idle | 1 |
infestedSleeperSit | Infested Sleeper Sit | 2 |
interiorHouseDoorOak | Oak Interior House Door | 1 |
interiorHouseDoorWhite | White Interior House Door | 5 |
ironHatchGrey | Grey Iron Hatch | 1 |
ladderMetal | Iron Ladder | 25 |
lanternDecorLightRed | Lantern | 1 |
laundryCartRandomHelper | = Laundry Cart = Random Helper | 1 |
laundryLoose | Loose Laundry | 1 |
lightCeiling07 | Fluorescent Light (POI) | 1 |
lightCeilingBulbMountWhite | White Light Bulb Flush Mount | 1 |
lightCeilingBulbSocketWhite | White Light Bulb Socket | 1 |
lightIndustrialRed | Red Industrial Light (POI) | 3 |
lightWallGooseneckBlack | Black Gooseneck Wall Light | 2 |
looseBoardsTrapBlock3x3 | Loose Boards Block 3x3 | 1 |
loudspeaker | Loudspeaker (POI) | 2 |
metalCatwalk | Metal Catwalk | 2 |
metalCatwalkTrap | Metal Catwalk Trap | 1 |
metalRailing | Thin Metal Railing | 3 |
metalTrussingBlock | Metal Trussing Block | 15 |
miniblindBottomSheet | Mini Blind Bottom Sheet | 2 |
miniblindTopSheet | Mini Blind Top Sheet | 9 |
modularFireWoodStackC | Firewood Stack C | 1 |
officeChair01 | Office Chair Grey | 1 |
officeChair01Black | Office Chair Black | 2 |
officeDesk | Office Desk | 1 |
paintingPictureRandomHelper | = Painting = Random Helper | 1 |
palletBricksBase | Grey Pallet, Bricks, Base | 1 |
palletBricksLoose | Grey Pallet, Bricks, Loose | 1 |
palletBricksPartial1 | Grey Pallet, Bricks, Partial 1 | 1 |
palletBrownBoxesLoose | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Loose | 3 |
palletBrownBoxesTop | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Top | 1 |
palletCompressedCardboard | Pallet, Compressed Cardboard | 2 |
palletEmpty | Empty Pallet | 1 |
palletEmptyStack | Empty Pallets, Full Stack | 4 |
palletTarpBaseBlue | Pallet, Blue Tarp, Base | 2 |
parkBenchA | Park Bench A | 2 |
parkingBlockBrokenYellow | Parking Block Broken Yellow | 1 |
parkingBlockCrooked1Yellow | Parking Block Crooked1 Yellow | 1 |
parkingBlockCrooked2Yellow | Parking Block Crooked2 Yellow | 1 |
parkingBlockYellow | Parking Block Yellow | 3 |
pedestalSink | Pedestal Sink | 1 |
pictureFrame_01a | Picture A | 1 |
pictureFrame_01l | Picture L | 1 |
pictureFrame_01v | Picture V | 1 |
pipeFireHazardWallRed2m | Pipe Fire Hazard Wall Red 2m | 1 |
pipeSmallWall1x1Red | Pipe Small Wall 1x1 Red | 2 |
pipeSmallWall1x3Red | Pipe Small Wall 1x3 Red | 2 |
pipeSmallWallCorner | Pipe Small Wall Corner Black | 1 |
pipeSmallWallOutsideCornerRed | Pipe Small Wall Outside Corner Red | 1 |
pipeSmallWallValveSwitchRed | Red Wall Valve | 1 |
plantAloePottedCornerWhite | White Potted Plant Corner 01 | 2 |
plantHouseTallPottedWhite | White Potted Plant Tall 01 | 1 |
questRallyMarker | Rally Marker | 1 |
rock02 | Small Rock 02 | 2 |
rock04 | Small Rock 04 | 1 |
rubblePileBricksSmall | Rubble Pile Bricks Small | 3 |
rubblePileConcreteSmall | Small Concrete Rubble Pile | 9 |
satelliteUnitSmallWall | Satellite Dish Small Wall Mount | 1 |
sectionalLeatherChair | - | 1 |
sectionalLeatherCouchSofaCorner | Leather Couch Corner | 2 |
semiFlatbedBack | Semi Flatbed Back | 1 |
semiFlatbedFront | Semi Flatbed Front | 1 |
semiFlatbedMiddle | Semi Flatbed Middle | 1 |
shippingContainerDoorCrackedOpenOrange | Shipping Container Door Cracked Open Orange | 1 |
shippingContainerSideHoleOrange | Shipping Container Side Hole Orange | 2 |
shippingContainerSideOrange | Shipping Container Side Orange | 7 |
shippingContainerSideTextOrange | Shipping Container Side Text Orange | 1 |
showerHead02 | Shower Head 02 | 1 |
signBulletinBoard01 | Bulletin Board 01 | 1 |
signBulletinBoard02 | Bulletin Board 02 | 1 |
signPosterWantedMissing01 | Poster Wanted Missing 01 | 1 |
signPosterWantedMissing03 | Poster Wanted Missing 03 | 1 |
sinkKitchen | Kitchen Sink | 1 |
sleeperBack | Sleeper Back | 1 |
sleeperIdle | Sleeper Idle | 5 |
sleeperSideLeft | Sleeper Left Side | 5 |
sleeperSideRight | Sleeper Right Side | 6 |
sleeperSit | Sleeper Sitting | 3 |
sleeperStomach | Sleeper Stomach | 1 |
sleeperVultureAnimal | Sleeper Vulture (zombie) | 3 |
sleeperZombieDogAnimal | Sleeper Zombie Dog | 1 |
steelGarageDoor5x3White | White Steel Garage Door 5x3 | 2 |
steelShapes:cube | - | 2 |
steelShapes:pillar50 | - | 8 |
terrainFiller | Topsoil Terrain Filler (POI) | 5451 |
terrAsphalt | Asphalt | 635 |
terrGravel | Gravel | 163 |
treeBrownGrassDiagonal | Tree Brown Grass Diagonal | 5 |
treeDeadPineLeaf | Tree Dead Pine Leaf | 3 |
treeGreenBrownGrassDiagonal | Tree Green Brown Grass Diagonal | 4 |
treePlainsTree2 | Tree Plains Tree 2 | 1 |
treePlant02 | Potted Plant | 1 |
tvSmallStand1x1Fallen | Small Fallen TV | 1 |
utilityGasMeter01 | Gas Meter 01 | 1 |
waterHeaterWhite | White Water Heater | 1 |
woodChair1 | Wooden Chair | 1 |
woodShapes:billboard | - | 2 |
woodShapes:billboardQuarter | - | 4 |
woodShapes:bookcaseEmpty | - | 8 |
woodShapes:bookcaseHalfEmpty | - | 2 |
woodShapes:bookcaseOpenEnded | - | 2 |
woodShapes:bookcaseQuarterDoubleEmpty | - | 3 |
woodShapes:cabinetAjar | - | 1 |
woodShapes:cornerstone | - | 2 |
woodShapes:counterRound1m | - | 1 |
woodShapes:crown | - | 72 |
woodShapes:crownHalfLeft | - | 1 |
woodShapes:crownHalfRight | - | 1 |
woodShapes:cube | - | 357 |
woodShapes:cubeBaseboard | - | 19 |
woodShapes:cubeBookcase | - | 2 |
woodShapes:cubeCornerBeveled | - | 7 |
woodShapes:cubeHalf | - | 66 |
woodShapes:cubeHalfgableInvertedQuarter | - | 10 |
woodShapes:cubeHalfGableInvertedQuarterPillar0.025 | - | 1 |
woodShapes:cubeHalfPlateCorner2 | - | 2 |
woodShapes:cubeHalfTrimQuarterCornerOutsideTwoSided | - | 4 |
woodShapes:cubeHalfTrimQuarterEdgeBottom | - | 10 |
woodShapes:cubeHalfTrimQuarterEdgeDouble | - | 8 |
woodShapes:cubeQuarter | - | 7 |
woodShapes:cubeTrimQuarterEdge | - | 2 |
woodShapes:cupboardAjar | - | 5 |
woodShapes:doorTrim1m | - | 94 |
woodShapes:doorTrimCorner | - | 12 |
woodShapes:fenceBroken2 | - | 2 |
woodShapes:gable3Quarter | - | 2 |
woodShapes:gable3QuarterFull | - | 1 |
woodShapes:halfCrown | - | 13 |
woodShapes:halfCrown1Left | - | 1 |
woodShapes:halfCrown1Right | - | 1 |
woodShapes:plate | - | 45 |
woodShapes:plateCorner | - | 1 |
woodShapes:plateDiagonalDestroyed02 | - | 1 |
woodShapes:plateDiagonalDestroyed06 | - | 1 |
woodShapes:plateHalf | - | 4 |
woodShapes:plateHalfCentered | - | 2 |
woodShapes:plateHalfThreeSidedHalf | - | 1 |
woodShapes:platePillar0.025 | - | 1 |
woodShapes:plateWedge60InclineDestroyed | - | 1 |
woodShapes:plateWedge60InclineDestroyed02 | - | 1 |
woodShapes:polePlateHalf | - | 4 |
woodShapes:storageCubeHalf | - | 1 |
woodShapes:wedge60 | - | 34 |
woodShapes:wedge60Corner | - | 3 |
woodShapes:wedge60Incline | - | 61 |
woodShapes:wedge60InsideCorner | - | 2 |
woodShapes:wedge60InsideCorner2 | - | 2 |
woodShapes:wedge60Tip | - | 143 |
woodShapes:wedge60TipCorner | - | 3 |
woodShapes:wedge60TipCornerBase | - | 4 |
woodShapes:wedgeNarrowHighCorner | - | 4 |
woodShapes:wedgeNarrowLow | - | 8 |
woodShapes:wedgeNarrowLowCorner | - | 8 |
woodShapes:wedgeNarrowMidCorner | - | 4 |
woodShapes:wedgeNarrowTip | - | 8 |
woodShapes:wedgeNarrowTipCorner | - | 8 |
woodShapes:wedgeTipQuarter | - | 13 |
woodShapes:window01 | - | 9 |
woodShapes:window01Broken | - | 15 |
woodShapes:windowTrim | - | 20 |
woodShapes:woodDebris01 | - | 5 |
woodShapes:woodDebris02 | - | 2 |
woodShapes:woodDebris03 | - | 2 |