ID | Name | Count |
air | Air | 77827 |
airConditioner | Air Conditioner | 3 |
awningShapes:billboard2m | - | 3 |
awningShapes:verticalBlindsBottom | - | 138 |
awningShapes:verticalBlindsTop | - | 27 |
awningShapes:verticalBlindsTop2 | - | 42 |
barStoolGreen | Bar Stool Green | 3 |
bathroomStallCTRBeam | Bathroom Stall Wall Top Support | 2 |
bathroomStallDoor | Bathroom Stall Door | 4 |
bathroomStallSCTRBeam | Bathroom Stall Door Top Support | 4 |
bathroomStallSupport | Bathroom Stall Support | 5 |
bathroomStallSupportLeft | Bathroom Stall Support Left | 1 |
bathroomStallSupportRight | Bathroom Stall Support Right | 1 |
bathroomStallWall | Bathroom Stall Wall | 2 |
bulletproofShapes:windowStoreCornerBulletproofFull | - | 12 |
bulletproofShapes:windowStoreFourSidedBulletproofFull | - | 19 |
bulletproofShapes:windowStoreThreeSidedBulletproofFull | - | 356 |
bulletproofShapes:windowStoreTwoSidedBulletproofFull | - | 175 |
ceilingLight05 | Silver Glass Light (POI) | 11 |
chainlinkFenceBottomPlain | Chain Link Bottom Plain | 2 |
chainlinkFenceBottomPlainPoleLeft | Chain Link Bottom Plain Pole Left | 4 |
chainlinkFenceBottomPlainPoleRight | Chain Link Bottom Plain Pole Right | 4 |
chainlinkFenceTopPlainPoleLeft | Chain Link Top Plain Pole Left | 2 |
chainlinkFenceTopPlainPoleRight | Chain Link Top Plain Pole Right | 2 |
chainlinkFenceTopPlainRail | Chain Link Top Plain Rail | 1 |
cntAmmoPileLarge | Ammo Pile, Large | 1 |
cntAmmoPileMedium | Ammo Pile, Medium | 1 |
cntAmmoPileSmall | Ammo Pile, Small | 2 |
cntBinTrashMetalWhiteRandomLootHelper | = Metal Trash Bin = Random Helper | 15 |
cntBirdnestCorner | Bird Nest | 1 |
cntBookPile01 | Pile of Books | 1 |
cntBookPile02 | Pile of Books | 1 |
cntBookShelfDoubleBottomRandomLootHelper | = Book Shelf Double Bottom = Random Helper | 6 |
cntBookShelfDoubleTopRandomLootHelper | = Book Shelf Double Top = Random Helper | 6 |
cntBookShelfSingleBottomRandomLootHelper | = Book Shelf Single Bottom = Random Helper | 3 |
cntBookShelfSingleCapBottomRandomLootHelper | = Book Shelf Cap Bottom = Random Helper | 9 |
cntBookShelfSingleCapTopRandomLootHelper | = Book Shelf Cap Top = Random Helper | 6 |
cntBookShelfSingleTopRandomLootHelper | = Book Shelf Single Top = Random Helper | 1 |
cntBruteStyleTrashCanRandomLootHelper | = Trash Can = Random Helper | 4 |
cntCabinetBottomFiller | Cabinet Filler (No Loot) | 56 |
cntCabinetBottomRandomLootHelper | = Cabinet = Random Helper | 7 |
cntCabinetGraniteSinkHoleRound | Sink Cabinet | 1 |
cntCabinetOldCNRRoundFiller | Cabinet Rounded (No Loot) | 12 |
cntCashRegisterRandomLootHelper | = Cash Registers = Random Helper | 4 |
cntCoffeeMaker | Coffee Maker | 2 |
cntCoffeeMakerCommercial | Commercial Coffee Maker | 2 |
cntCounterHollowCabinetOldRandomLootHelper | = Counter Hollow Cabinet Old = Random Helper | 3 |
cntCupboardCabinetRedTopLootHelper | = Cupboard = Random Helper | 10 |
cntDeskMetalGreenRandomLootHelper | = Green Metal Desk = Random Helper | 14 |
cntDisplayCaseEmptyMiddle | Display Case Empty Middle | 3 |
cntDisplayCaseEmptyRight | Display Case Empty Right | 1 |
cntDomedTrashCanRandomLootHelper | = Domed Trash Can = Random Helper | 9 |
cntFancyGarbageCan | Fancy Garbage Can | 1 |
cntFileCabinetShortAllRandomLootHelper | = File Cabinet Short All = Random Helper | 3 |
cntFileCabinetShortRandomLootHelper | = File Cabinet Short = Random Helper | 2 |
cntFileCabinetTallRandomLootHelper | = File Cabinet Tall = Random Helper | 8 |
cntFridgeStainlessSteelRandomLootHelper | = S Steel Fridge = Random Helper | 2 |
cntHardenedChestSecureT5 | Hardened Chest | 1 |
cntLockersTallRandomLootHelper | = Lockers Tall = Random Helper | 4 |
cntMedicLootPileA | Medical Supplies | 1 |
cntMedicLootPileB | Medical Supplies | 1 |
cntMicrowaveRandomLootHelper | = Microwave = Random Helper | 3 |
cntPaintingPictureSafeRandomLootHelper | = Painting Wall Safe = Random Helper | 1 |
cntPictureSafeRandomLootHelper | = Picture Wall Safe = Random Helper | 1 |
cntQuestInfestedT5LootHelper | = Infested T5 = Random Helper | 1 |
cntQuestRandomLootHelper | = Quest Loot = Random Helper | 7 |
cntshelfSupplyOfficeGreenRandomLootHelper | = Green Office Shelf = Random Helper | 3 |
cntShippingCrateBookstore | Crack-A-Book Sealed Shipping Crate | 4 |
cntShippingCrateShamway | Shamway Sealed Shipping Crate | 1 |
cntStoreShelfSingleBottomFoodRandomLootHelper | = Store Shelf Single Bottom Food = Random Helper | 1 |
cntStoreShelfSingleTopFoodRandomLootHelper | = Store Shelf Single Top Food = Random Helper | 1 |
cntTiltTruckRandomLootHelper | = Tilt Truck = Random Helper | 1 |
cntToaster | Toaster | 2 |
cntToilet03 | Commercial Toilet | 5 |
cntToolBoxRandomLootHelperRed | = Red Toolbox = Random Helper | 1 |
cntTrashPile01 | Trash Pile | 1 |
cntVendingMachine2RandomLootHelper | = Drink Vending Machine = Random Helper | 1 |
cntWallSafeRandomLootHelper | = Wall Safe = Random Helper | 1 |
cntWasherIndustrialRandomLootHelper | = Industrial Washing Machine = Random Helper | 1 |
cntWeaponsBagSmall | Weapons Bag | 1 |
commercialBlindsBottom | Commercial Blinds Bottom | 50 |
commercialBlindsTop | Commercial Blinds Top | 63 |
commercialBulletproofGlassDoor | Commercial Bulletproof Glass Door | 1 |
commercialDistributionBox | Commercial Distribution Box | 3 |
commercialDoorV1Grey | Grey Commercial Door V1 | 5 |
commercialDoorV2Grey | Grey Commercial Door V2 | 10 |
commercialDoorV4Grey | Grey Commercial Door V4 | 3 |
commercialGlassDoor | Commercial Glass Door | 16 |
concreteDestroyed05 | Concrete Destroyed 05 | 2 |
concreteDestroyed07 | Concrete Destroyed 07 | 2 |
concreteDestroyed09 | Concrete Destroyed 09 | 1 |
concreteHalfDestroyed05Left | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 05 Left | 8 |
concreteHalfDestroyed05Right | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 05 Right | 10 |
concreteHalfDestroyed06 | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 06 | 16 |
concreteHalfDestroyed07Left | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 07 Left | 10 |
concreteHalfDestroyed07Right | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 07 Right | 9 |
concreteHalfDestroyed08 | Concrete 1/2 Destroyed 08 | 5 |
concreteShapes:3mGyroConnector | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:3mGyroCurve | - | 12 |
concreteShapes:cornerRound | - | 2 |
concreteShapes:cube | - | 8052 |
concreteShapes:cubeBaseboard | - | 10 |
concreteShapes:cubeBaseboard4Sided | - | 6 |
concreteShapes:cubeCornerBeveled | - | 69 |
concreteShapes:cubeCornerBeveledCorner | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:cubeEighth | - | 2 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalf | - | 1294 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfCentered | - | 75 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfCorner | - | 29 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfPillar0.025 | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfPlateCorner | - | 3 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfTrimHalfSplitDiagonalOffset | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfTrimQuarterCornerInside | - | 10 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfTrimQuarterCornerOutsideOffset | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfTrimQuarterCornerOutsideTwoSidedOffset | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:cubeHalfTrimQuarterEdgeBottom | - | 25 |
concreteShapes:cubeQuarter | - | 470 |
concreteShapes:cubeThreeQuarter | - | 25 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimCornerRound | - | 2 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimHalfSplit | - | 29 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimHalfSplit4Sided | - | 8 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimHalfSplitDiagonal | - | 54 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimHalfSplitDiagonal2Sided | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimHalfSplitDiagonalBottomTrimFiller | - | 10 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCenter | - | 3 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCornerInside | - | 79 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCornerInside2 | - | 6 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCornerInsideTriangle | - | 23 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCornerOutside | - | 2 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterCornerOutsideTwoSided | - | 2 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterDiagonal2 | - | 15 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterDiagonalFiller | - | 36 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterEdge | - | 290 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterEdgeDouble | - | 29 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterEdgeTwoSided | - | 81 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimQuarterRamp | - | 27 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimStairsHollow | - | 12 |
concreteShapes:cubeTrimStairsHollowFiller | - | 12 |
concreteShapes:halfBlockPillar50 | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:halfRampStairs50 | - | 15 |
concreteShapes:halfRampStairs50Filler | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:halfTrimQuarterEdge | - | 45 |
concreteShapes:polePlate | - | 68 |
concreteShapes:poleQuarterCenteredPlate4way | - | 10 |
concreteShapes:quarterInsideCorner | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:ramp | - | 90 |
concreteShapes:rampBaseboard | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:rampIncline | - | 35 |
concreteShapes:rampInclineBaseboard4Sided | - | 12 |
concreteShapes:rampInclineBaseboardFiller | - | 6 |
concreteShapes:rampInclineFiller | - | 67 |
concreteShapes:rampInclineFillerHalfLeft | - | 4 |
concreteShapes:stairsFilledQuarterVerticalUV | - | 20 |
concreteShapes:stairsFilledVerticalUV | - | 8 |
concreteShapes:stairsHollow | - | 15 |
concreteShapes:stairsHollowDestroyed | - | 3 |
concreteShapes:stairsHollowRailingMetalFillerLeft | - | 17 |
concreteShapes:stairsHollowRailingMetalFillerRight | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:stairsHollowRailingMetalLeft | - | 21 |
concreteShapes:stairsHollowRailingMetalRight | - | 6 |
concreteShapes:storageCube | - | 2 |
concreteShapes:wedge60 | - | 311 |
concreteShapes:wedge60Tip | - | 1 |
concreteShapes:wedge60TipHalfLeft | - | 10 |
concreteShapes:wedge60TipHalfRight | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowHigh | - | 30 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowHighLeftTrim2Sided | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowHighRightTrim2Sided | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowLow | - | 25 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowLowLeftTrim2Sided | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowLowRightTrim2Sided | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowMid | - | 25 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowMidLeftTrim2Sided | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowMidRightTrim2Sided | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowTip | - | 25 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowTipLeftTrim2Sided | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:wedgeNarrowTipRightTrim2Sided | - | 5 |
concreteShapes:windowCentered | - | 4 |
conduit01 | Conduit Triple Straight | 6 |
conduit01Corner | Conduit Triple Corner | 1 |
conduitSingleCentered | Conduit Single Centered | 13 |
controlPanelBase04 | Control Panel Base 04 | 1 |
controlPanelBase06 | Control Panel Base 06 | 6 |
controlPanelBase07 | Control Panel Base 07 | 4 |
controlPanelBase08 | Control Panel Base 08 | 25 |
controlPanelTop02 | Control Panel Top 02 | 1 |
controlPanelTop03 | Control Panel Top 03 | 1 |
controlPanelTop07 | Control Panel Top 07 | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:archTrim | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:bracketCentered | - | 14 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2 | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnly | - | 65 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyCorner | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyDiagonal | - | 28 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyEndLeft | - | 9 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlyEndRight | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:catwalkV2RailOnlySingleDoubleEnd | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cornerRound | - | 12 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cube | - | 52 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cube7mRound02 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cube7mRound04 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeCornerRoundTop | - | 12 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeEighth | - | 16 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeHalf | - | 196 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeHalf5mRound01 | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeHalf5mRound02 | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeHalf5mRound03 | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeHalf5mRound04 | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeHeatVent | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeQuarter | - | 52 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:cubeThreeQuarter | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrim1m | - | 36 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrim1mDouble | - | 41 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrim1mDoubleCentered | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrimCorner | - | 6 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrimDiagonal | - | 24 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:doorTrimTop | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:dynamicGrate | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:farmPlot | - | 50 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:halfBlockPoleQuarter | - | 6 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:halfRampStairs50 | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:halfRampStairs50Filler | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:halfTrimSplit | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:industrialFenceTop | - | 25 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:ladderRound | - | 20 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:ladderRoundBroken1 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:ladderRoundBroken2 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:mirror | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:pillar0.025 | - | 31 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:pillar0.025Centered | - | 27 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:pillar0.05Centered | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:pillar50PlatePillar0.025 | - | 13 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plate | - | 54 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plateCornerHalfTopHalfOffset | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plateHalf | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plateHalfCentered | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:platePoleCorner2 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:plateQuarter | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:polePlate | - | 17 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:polePlateCenteredTee | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:railingFloatLeft | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:railingFloatRight | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:scaffoldingLadder | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:scaffoldingPlank | - | 6 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:scaffoldingPlankRamp | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:scaffoldingPlankSupported | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:scaffoldingPlankSupportedCenter | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:scaffoldingRails | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_a | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_b | - | 5 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_c | - | 5 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_exclamation | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_f | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_i | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_k | - | 6 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_n | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_o | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_r | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_s | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signLetter_u | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signNumber_1 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signNumber_2 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signNumber_3 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:signNumber_4 | - | 1 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:stairsRailingMetal | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:tableDynamic | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:wedge60 | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:wedge60TipCornerBase | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:window04Broken01 | - | 3 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowStoreCornerFull | - | 4 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowStoreOneSidedFull | - | 8 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowStoreThreeSidedBroken | - | 12 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowStoreThreeSidedFull | - | 28 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowStoreTwoSidedBroken | - | 2 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowStoreTwoSidedFull | - | 36 |
corrugatedMetalShapes:windowTrim | - | 11 |
couchModernArmGreen | Couch Modern Arm Green | 20 |
couchModernCornerGreen | Couch Modern Corner Green | 21 |
couchModernSectionGreen | Couch Modern Section Green | 25 |
counterMountedSinkCommercial | Commercial Counter Sink | 3 |
decoCarWheelFlat | Car Wheel Flat | 4 |
decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMouse | Monitor / Keyboard / Mouse 01 | 2 |
decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMousePC | Monitor / Keyboard / Mouse / PC | 10 |
decoHandTruck | Hand Truck | 1 |
decoLaptop | Laptop Open | 1 |
decoTableRound | Round Table | 2 |
deskLampLight02BGrey | Grey Desk Lamp 02 | 4 |
drinkingfountainDouble | Drinking Fountain Double | 2 |
drinkingfountainSingle | Drinking Fountain Single | 1 |
ductCornerSideCentered | Duct Corner Side Centered | 1 |
ductCornerUp | Duct Corner Up | 2 |
ductStraightCentered | Duct Straight | 1 |
ductStraightSideCentered | Duct Straight Side Centered | 1 |
elevatorDoor | Elevator Door | 10 |
elevatorInsidePanel | Elevator Inside Button Panel | 1 |
elevatorOutsideButtonPanel | Elevator Outside Button Panel | 5 |
elevatorOutsideButtonPanelHalfBlock | Elevator Outside Button Panel 1/2 Block Offset | 5 |
elevatorOutsideFloorPanel | Elevator Outside Floor Panel | 5 |
elevatorOutsideFloorPanelHalfBlock | Elevator Outside Floor Panel 1/2 Block Offset | 4 |
endTable | End Table | 8 |
endTableLamp | End Table Lamp | 10 |
factoryConveyorBelt | Factory Conveyor Belt | 14 |
factoryConveyorBridge | Factory Conveyor Bridge | 4 |
factoryConveyorCap | Factory Conveyor Cap | 2 |
fakeCabinetDoorTrap1x2SheetMetal | Fake Cabinet Door 1x2 Metal | 3 |
farmPlotBlock | Farm Plot (POI) | 69 |
farmPlotBlockCornerRound | Farm Plot Corner Round (POI) | 12 |
fastFoodBoothGreen | Fast Food Booth Green | 4 |
fluorescentLight | Fluorescent Light (POI) | 5 |
fluorescentLightBayBroken | Light Bay Broken Cover | 2 |
fluorescentLightBayIntact | Light Bay | 24 |
garbage_decor1 | Garbage Decor 01 | 10 |
garbage_decor2 | Garbage Decor 02 | 12 |
garbage_decor3 | Garbage Decor 03 | 10 |
glassBulletproofRampSheet | Glass Bulletproof Ramp Sheet | 16 |
glassIndustrialCTRPlate | Glass Industrial 1 Ctr Plate | 8 |
goreBlockHumanCorpse | Decaying Human Corpse | 1 |
goreBlockHumanCorpse3 | Decaying Human Corpse 3 | 1 |
iBeamCentered | I-Beam Centered | 4 |
iBeamCenteredFoundation | I-Beam Centered Foundation | 8 |
industrialLight01 | Industrial Light 01 (POI) | 3 |
infestedSleeperBack | Infested Sleeper Back | 9 |
infestedSleeperIdle | Infested Sleeper Idle | 72 |
infestedSleeperSideLeft | Infested Sleeper Side Left | 31 |
infestedSleeperSideRight | Infested Sleeper Side Right | 16 |
infestedSleeperSit | Infested Sleeper Sit | 29 |
infestedSleeperStomach | Infested Sleeper Stomach | 22 |
infestedSleeperVultureAnimal | Infested Sleeper Vulture | 4 |
infestedSleeperZombieDogAnimal | Infested Sleeper Zombie Dog | 8 |
ironHatchBlack | Black Iron Hatch | 2 |
ironSpikesTrapBloodPOI | Iron Spikes Blood (POI) | 10 |
keyRackBoxMetal01 | Metal Key Rack | 1 |
keyRackWood01 | Wood Key Rack | 1 |
ladderWood | Wooden Ladder | 5 |
laundryCartRandomHelper | = Laundry Cart = Random Helper | 1 |
laundryPileTall | Tall Laundry Pile | 1 |
lightCeiling07 | Fluorescent Light (POI) | 11 |
lightIndustrialMountedWallRed | Red Industrial Mounted Wall Light (POI) | 1 |
lightPanelLEDGrey | Grey LED Light Panel (POI) | 9 |
lightPanelLEDOffsetGrey | Grey LED Light Panel, Offset 01 (POI) | 1 |
lightSconce | Sconce Light (POI) | 3 |
loudspeaker | Loudspeaker (POI) | 1 |
metalCatwalk | Metal Catwalk | 2 |
metalCatwalkRailing1 | Metal Catwalk, 1 Railing | 19 |
metalCatwalkRailingCNR | Metal Catwalk Corner | 2 |
metalCatwalkWedge | Metal Catwalk Wedge Corner | 16 |
metalCatwalkWedgeRailing | Metal Catwalk Wedge Corner Railing | 20 |
metalPipeCorner | Metal Pipe Corner | 3 |
metalPipeFlange | Metal Pipe Flange | 21 |
metalPipeJoint | Metal Pipe Joint | 1 |
metalPipeStraight | Metal Pipe Straight | 31 |
metalPipeValve | Metal Pipe Valve | 1 |
metalRailing | Thin Metal Railing | 6 |
metalRailingCNR | Thin Metal Railing Corner | 1 |
metalStairsBoardRailing | Metal Stairs With Railing | 11 |
metalTrussingBlock | Metal Trussing Block | 16 |
officeChair01 | Office Chair Grey | 1 |
officeChair01ArmyGreen | Office Chair ArmyGreen | 6 |
officeChair01Black | Office Chair Black | 13 |
officeChair01Green | Office Chair Green | 7 |
oldChair1Green | Old Chair Green | 24 |
palletBagConcreteBaseFull | Bulk Concrete Base Full | 2 |
palletBagConcreteBaseMed | Bulk Concrete Base Med | 1 |
palletBrownBoxesBase | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Base | 1 |
palletBrownBoxesLoose | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Loose | 6 |
palletBrownBoxesTile | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Tile | 6 |
palletBrownBoxesTop | Pallet, Brown Boxes, Top | 13 |
palletCompressedCardboard | Pallet, Compressed Cardboard | 3 |
palletEmpty | Empty Pallet | 1 |
palletEmptyStack | Empty Pallets, Full Stack | 1 |
palletTarpBaseRandomHelper | = Pallet Tarp Base = Random Helper | 1 |
palletTarpTileRandomHelper | = Pallet Tarp Tile = Random Helper | 1 |
paperPillar100 | Industrial Paper Roll 1m | 2 |
paperPillar50 | Paper Pillar 0.5m | 6 |
parkBenchA | Park Bench A | 7 |
parkBenchB | Park Bench B | 7 |
pictureCanvasRandomHelper | = Canvas = Random Helper | 1 |
pictureLargeRandomHelper | = Large Picture = Random Helper | 7 |
pictureMediumRandomHelper | = Medium Picture = Random Helper | 6 |
pictureSmallRandomHelper | = Small Picture = Random Helper | 4 |
pipeSmall1x1 | Pipe Small 1x1 Black | 14 |
pipeSmallCorner | Pipe Small Corner Black | 6 |
pipeSmallJoint | Pipe Small Joint Black | 4 |
plantAloePottedCornerWhite | White Potted Plant Corner 01 | 2 |
plantAloePottedWhite | White Potted Plant 01 | 2 |
plantCherryBlossomWhite | White Cherry Blossom | 1 |
plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest | Chrysanthemum 3 (POI) | 2 |
plantedGoldenrod3Harvest | Goldenrod Flower 3 (POI) | 2 |
plantHousePottedCornerWhite | White Potted Plant Corner 02 | 1 |
plantHousePottedWhite | White Potted Plant 02 | 6 |
plantHouseTallPottedWhite | White Potted Plant Tall 01 | 15 |
powerSwitch01 | Switch | 1 |
projectorTableTop | Table Top Projector | 1 |
questGeneratorLarge | Large Quest Generator | 2 |
questRallyMarker | Rally Marker | 1 |
recessedLight | Recessed Light (POI) | 33 |
restaurantBoothGreen | Restaurant Booth Green | 8 |
rollUpGate3x3White | Roll Up Security Gate 3x3 | 1 |
rubblePileBricksSmall | Rubble Pile Bricks Small | 2 |
rubblePileCement | Cement Rubble Pile | 1 |
rustyIronTable | Rusty Iron Table | 5 |
satelliteUnitSmallWall | Satellite Dish Small Wall Mount | 2 |
signBathroomSignUnisexWallMount | Bathroom Sign Unisex Wall | 4 |
signExitFrameMount | Exit Sign Frame Mount | 17 |
signExitLight | Exit Sign Ceiling Mount Centered | 2 |
signSafetyWorkProtection | Sign: Safety Work Protection | 1 |
signShopBookStoreLargeWallLit | Sign Shop Bookstore Large Wall Lit | 1 |
sinkKitchen | Kitchen Sink | 3 |
sleeperBack | Sleeper Back | 19 |
sleeperIdle | Sleeper Idle | 77 |
sleeperSideLeft | Sleeper Left Side | 23 |
sleeperSideRight | Sleeper Right Side | 16 |
sleeperSit | Sleeper Sitting | 49 |
sleeperStomach | Sleeper Stomach | 15 |
sleeperVultureAnimal | Sleeper Vulture (zombie) | 7 |
sleeperZombieDogAnimal | Sleeper Zombie Dog | 12 |
steelGarageDoor5x3White | White Steel Garage Door 5x3 | 1 |
steelShapes:cube | - | 1 |
steelShapes:pillar0.025Centered | - | 72 |
steelShapes:pillar50 | - | 65 |
steelShapes:pillar50CenterPlate | - | 1 |
steelShapes:plate | - | 27 |
steelShapes:plateCorner | - | 11 |
steelShapes:plateCornerTwoWall | - | 8 |
steelShapes:poleCentered | - | 1 |
terrainFiller | Topsoil Terrain Filler (POI) | 2871 |
terrAsphalt | Asphalt | 252 |
terrDestroyedStone | Destroyed Stone | 29 |
terrGravel | Gravel | 7 |
terrStoneHelper | = Stone Terrain = Helper | 69 |
trackLight | Track Light (POI) | 3 |
traderMilitaryMetalShelvesEmpty | Trader Military Shelves Empty | 1 |
trapWindowStoreCornerFull | Trap Window Store Corner Full | 16 |
trapWindowStoreOneSidedFull | Trap Window Store One Sided Full | 8 |
trapWindowStoreThreeSidedFull | Trap Window Store Three Sided Full | 8 |
trapWindowStoreTwoSidedFull | Trap Window Store Two Sided Full | 4 |
treeBrownGrassDiagonal | Tree Brown Grass Diagonal | 37 |
treeGreenBrownGrassDiagonal | Tree Green Brown Grass Diagonal | 31 |
treePlainsTree2 | Tree Plains Tree 2 | 3 |
treePlant02 | Potted Plant | 2 |
urinalCommercialMounted | Urinal | 4 |
utilitySink | Utility Sink | 1 |
wallClockRandomLootHelper | = Wall Clock = Random Helper | 6 |
wallMirror | Wall Mirror | 1 |
wallMirrorBroken | Wall Mirror Broken | 1 |
wallMountSinkCommercial | Commercial Sink | 2 |
woodShapes:crownStraight | - | 42 |
woodShapes:cubeQuarterCenteredSquareTop | - | 1 |
woodShapes:cubeQuarterRoundOutside | - | 2 |
woodShapes:fence | - | 3 |
woodShapes:halfChairRail | - | 4 |
woodShapes:ladderSquareBroken02 | - | 2 |
woodShapes:plate | - | 4 |
woodShapes:plateCorner | - | 3 |
woodShapes:plateCornerTwoWall | - | 2 |
woodShapes:plateCounterHole | - | 2 |
woodShapes:plateHalf | - | 1 |
woodShapes:plateHalfCornerRoundLeft | - | 1 |
woodShapes:plateHalfCornerRoundRight | - | 1 |
woodShapes:platePillar0.025 | - | 2 |
woodShapes:quarterCenteredWall | - | 5 |
woodShapes:rampInclineBaseboardChairRail4Sided | - | 4 |
woodShapes:rampInclineBaseboardChairRailFiller | - | 2 |
woodShapes:scaffoldingRamp | - | 2 |
woodShapes:scaffoldingRampFiller | - | 2 |
woodShapes:shantywall03 | - | 1 |
woodShapes:shantywall04 | - | 1 |
woodShapes:stairs | - | 6 |
woodShapes:table | - | 1 |
woodShapes:tableDynamic | - | 9 |
woodShapes:windowBoarded | - | 2 |
woodShapes:windowPanel | - | 124 |
woodShapes:windowStoreOneSidedEmpty | - | 3 |
workLightPOI | Work Light (POI) | 1 |